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Previously we released series of articles related to Statistics and Probability that helps you to refresh the basics to get into stronger mathematical foundations when learning machine learning algorithms. We strongly recommend to refer these articles first if you haven’t taken a look.


In this article we will talk about “Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence” Models alias Expert Systems, which can be used for prediction. Prediction can be of 2 types: Regression or Classification. Regression is when you need to predict a continuous variable, Ex: predicting house price based on features from past data. Classification is used when the prediction is discrete variables, Ex: whether a patient is diabetic or not based on person’s observation data. Refer some our previous posts on implementing Machine Learning Algorithms below:

How does humans take decisions? Ex: Doctor predicting whether patient has Dengue or not. Doctor analyze the symptoms of patient like fever, head ache, skin rash, vomit etc to come to conclusion. In practical a doctor has observed many such patients and from the past history his judgement on the prediction of disease increases.

How does humans take decisions

How does humans take decisions

What is the Semantics of Decision Making?

From above diagram we are clear there are actually 2 thing that helps decision making – Features and Rules. Features are observations / parameters that the doctor in our example referred to make decision such as fever, head ache, skin rash, vomit etc…Now the doctor tries to combine these inputs and based on decision or rule, he comes to conclusion. Now can we ask our machines to do this task?

Expert System

Instead of humans , can we transform these rules into a machine in the form of a program and the machines should be able to execute this program by taking certain inputs and give us the prediction? Then that system is knows as “Artificial Intelligence” Models or Expert Systems. These models are applicable to lot of real world applications and Analytics are becoming importance in almost all areas.

Expert system

Example of Expert system


  1. In real world, we deal with lots of data with lots of features, it will be hard to derive rules manually to generate Expert Systems.
  2. These rules can be very complex and sometimes inexpressible.
  3. Sometimes we are not sure how to generate the rules

This actually led to development of “Machine Learning“. Instead of having human generating rules and the program in to expert systems, now the idea is making machine actually learning from the given data and come up its own rule to provide predictions. By now we are clear that we are avoiding human interpretations of data to generate rules for predictions and replacing with machines to come up and our job is to provide machines with right data and algorithms to achieve its tasks. Overall, the framework for any Machine Learning Applications can be divided into 6 major tasks or modules. Lets explore each one of them in details and understanding these modules are necessary for building efficient ML applications.

1) Data

Today we have data everywhere. Data is the fuel for any machine learning models. Now we need a way or specific format to feed this data into your machines for learning. Ex: Given an image scans, our machine should predict whether the image confirms a disease present or not. It is very important to understand that the data has 2 two parts. First is the input i.e. image with characteristics displaying symptoms or not and the second is respective output i.e. contains disease or not.  We have this information collected previously from lots of patient. These data should be in machine readable format. In case or our example, image is nothing but matrix containing pixel values and output stored in vectors. Refer our earlier article on “Importance of Vector and Matrix in Data Science“.

Machine Learning Data Format

Machine Learning Data Format

2) Tasks

We have data. Now what do you do with this data? Tasks is what we are trying to achieve through machine learning and avoiding humans interpretations. These tasks vary depending on your applications. Tasks helps us to find the relationship between input variable vs Output we are interested in. This is where we divide ML applications into Supervised or Un-Supervised tasks which we will discuss in detail in separate article. We discussed Supervised Tasks have either Regression or Classification problems.

Classification Vs Regression

Classification Vs Regression

3) Models

Each tasks can be associated with mathematical formulation that captures the relation between input and output. We dont know what is the actual true relation between input and output. But our machines will come up with best approximation which we believe is the relationship between input and target variable. This approximation is initial guess and can start from simple approximation and grow to complex formulation. Below we are trying to identify the pattern of sales and we start with linear trend and approximation grows.

Model - Formula Approximation

Model – Formula Approximation

4) Loss Function

Previously, we tried to model our task using mathematical formulation and by approximation estimation. But how do we know our model is better or not. Hence we will try compute Loss function. Loss function is the difference between actual output vs the predicted output through our model approximation. Now this loss function will allow us to understand how good or bad our model is or how good or bad our parameters are. We have different variants of loss functions like square error loss, cross entropy loss, KL Divergence etc…

Loss function formula

Square Loss function formula

5) Learning Algorithm

We have seen about “Models” – where we try approximating functions that describe relationship between input vs output. These functions are combination of input variables or parameters. Unfortunately, machines dont have a way to learn these parameters effectively. This is where we use different combinations of parameters to predict output and compute Loss function. We will repeat this process until we reach a minima point which has vey minimum loss value i.e. our machines prediction is also close to original values.  We have different algorithms based on tasks will be applied.

Machine Learning Algorithm

Machine Learning Algorithm process

6) Evaluation

Once the learning algorithm learns from the data available and come up with that parameters, that has minimum loss value, how do we evaluate our machine learning model performance. “Accuracy” – is what we measure as model performance. It defines, how much our model “predicted correctly vs Total Prediction“. Clearly when we have less loss function our model performance increases. Here, we train our model with know target values and measure performance again validation data. Once we achieved our cut-off accuracy say 95%, we are ready to deploy our model for production.

Model Evaluation

Model Evaluation


Now we understood the 6 modules of machine learning applications. Lets sum up the learning we had so far. It is necessary that one must strong enough in Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics & Calculus to understand the mathematics inside learning algorithms. We have data in abundance. Using mathematics, we have learning models that can reduce error in prediction and increase efficiency and moving towards start of art in predictive analytics.

ML module summary

Machine Learning modules summary

Alright, with this we are sure you have a glimpse of framework for developing machine learning models. Leave us your comments for any improvements and suggestions. If you like this article, do share with your friends and in social media. See you with next interesting article. Till then, keep learning and growing.

Source: Inspired from lectures from https://padhai.onefourthlabs.in/