Monthly Archives: January 2021

Measures of Spreads – Range, Variance & Standard Deviation!!

2021-01-26T14:58:08+05:30January 26th, 2021|Categories: measure of spread, standard deviation, variance|Tags: , , , , , |

Hello Friends, Welcome to our one more article on Measures of Centrality. In our previous 2 articles we have discussed about Measures of Centrality: Mean, Median & Mode Measures [...]

Measures of Spreads – Percentiles – Facts and Insights !!

2021-01-17T17:45:43+05:30January 17th, 2021|Categories: Analytics, Central Tendency, Measures of Spread, Percentile, Statisitcs|Tags: , , , , , , |

Hello Friends welcome back, In our last posts, we deep dived into Measures of Centrality and learned about facts on Mean, Median & Mode. I strongly recommend to go [...]

Deep Diving into Normal Distribution Function Formula

2021-01-03T22:31:41+05:30January 3rd, 2021|Categories: Confidence Interval, Distributions, Statisitcs, statistics|Tags: , , |

Hello Friends, Welcome to this tutorial on Deep Diving into Normal Distributions. This blog post is continuation of our previous blog post "Fun with functions to understand Normal Distribution". [...]

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